Thursday, April 21, 2011

True Story

So I am up super late...insomnia, i wasn't kidding! Anyway, I am writing my dedication for my GRADUATION and they only give me 75 fuckin words. So here I am trying to jam everything into 4 little lines on this document and I finally stop and am like ok, I will write whatever comes out and take what I like from there.

Anyway, I wrote to my parents first and realized I just wanted to dedicate my graduation/degree to my parents. They only gave birth/raised me/are still supporting me and stuff. The least I could do is give them 75 words in my dedication for Latino Grad right?


Know that you were in my original dedication, the one that left my parents with two sentences.  Know that I am grateful to have you in my life.  Seriously, what would I do without you?

I was using words like best friends, buddies/Davis friends, because I only had 75 words but know that I meant Lizbeth, Nayeli, Adrian, Jesus, Aubrey, Krista, Tiffany, Cristina, Cinthia, Vicky P, all the girls in the interest group, anyone else I am missing because it is 4am afterall. Know that I love you and that you guys in some way or another helped me get my degree.

You guys helped me destress when I was going crazy, you helped me study, you gave me the 411 about Davis stuff, you were there to see me cry (and you know I dont like crying in front of people!), you gave me smiles and hugs, you got me motivated about school, you listened to me about my goals and dreams, you shared your wisdom with me, we bonded about parents/life/family/boys, you got me drunk!!! HAHA jk, but took care of me when I was drunk, you listened to me complain about work/internship/my professors/classes, etc. You guys are amazing and you better be in my life always. Cuz from my side, I will never let you go. :) Thank You Thank You for being there for me, Thank you for being my friend, and know that I love you always.   
There will probably be another post like this when I have had a full night's sleep.

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