1. All seasons of The Office are available to watch instantly through Netflix! J Guess what I have been doing with my spare time? Hehe.
2. How much free time I have because it permits me to watch all my shows, workout, go on mini road trips, visit Lizbeth & Nayeli and STUDY more. J The only downside is that I don’t have a job which means I don’t have money. 3. The new Latin Music Legend Stamps. Sure, everyone on there is awesome but my no doubt favorite stamp is the SELENA stamp!!! About damn time she has her own stamp!
4. Walking for a cause. I walked in Relay for Life this past weekend and it felt great getting to know my lovely Mujeres while doing something to get out awareness. Unfortunately most college students are broke nowadays so I was only able to collect $25 but if you want to donate you still can! Just let me know.
5. The instrumental version of Someone Like You by Adele. I love her song because I feel like everyone at some point of their lives have felt like that. Her songs in general are so honest and relatable. She is starting to be my new Amy. Anyway, I have been practicing! Maybe once day I will have the courage to post a video. You never know lol.
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