Thursday, October 13, 2011
Hi Y'all
Well it's that time, the time to say goodbye to I am sure I will make a final post with pictures of my time in UCD but it won't be until later. Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow is a new adventure. As you all know tomorrow I leave for Italy. So if you want to keep up with me check out my blog Le Avventure di Mia in Italia (Mia's Adventures in Italy) at I will start posting regularly starting tomorrow. Thanks so much for following. :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Dude whats with all the pic posts?
Sorry if I've been going a little crazy with the pic posts but I finally got a fancy phone. :) to be more specific its an HTC incredible 2. I got it to take to Italy. I leave in less than 10 Days away.
Expect more pic posts cuz new camera + new smartphone EQUALS hella pics.

Expect more pic posts cuz new camera + new smartphone EQUALS hella pics.
Monday, October 3, 2011
I miss my roommate Eliza's dog, Nala. She would always climb on my bed and keep me company when my roommates were gone.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
1. Memorize something everyday: Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.
2. Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions: Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.
3. Develop an endless curiosity about this world: Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. This world has so much to offer, so why not take advantage of it?
4. Remember people’s names: so that they feel appreciated and for your own future benefit when you want something from that person. To do this, say their name back to them when they introduce themselves. Then repeat the name in your head a number of times until you are sure you have it. Continue to use their name in conversation as much as possible to remove any chance of forgetting it. If you’re still having trouble, make up a rhyme about their name: “Dan the Man” or “Natalie flatters me.”
5. Get fit: It’s ridiculous to think that we have one body, one sole means of functioning, and people are too lazy to take care of themselves. Fit bodies lead to better health, confidence and more success with romantic endeavors. I’d say those are 3 very good reasons to get in shape.
6. Learn to focus only on the present: The past is unchangeable so it is futile to reflect on it unless you are making sure you do not repeat past mistakes. The future is but a result of your actions today. So learn from the past to do better in the present so that you can succeed in the future.
7. Even more specifically, live in THIS moment: Even 10 minutes ago is the past. If you live purely in this moment you will always be happy because there is nothing wrong in this split-second.
8. Smile more often: Whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happiness.
9. Drink water: Hydration is tremendously important for overall health. Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional content; it’s like pouring a punch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with life-replenishing water. It may taste plain at first if you’re coming off of a heavy soda-drinking streak, but you’ll soon find yourself addicted to it. 10 glasses per day is optimal, how many have you been getting lately?
10. Don’t take life so seriously: Learn to laugh at the little things and this whole “existence” thing will be a whole lot easier. Be amused by your mistakes and failures and be thankful that you learned your lesson and won’t mess up like that again. And most importantly do things that you enjoy! Life is not strictly business, it can be mixed with pleasure.
11. Think positive thoughts: When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop it immediately by any means necessary. Slap yourself in the face, yell something positive at the top of your lungs or jump up and down. Do whatever it takes to get back to a positive mindset as such is essential for continual happiness and success.
12. Travel: Anyone who has ever gone anywhere will tell you that traveling is one of the most exciting and life-changing activities that you can do. Observing a different culture will expand your mind while making you further appreciate the life you already live. This goes back to becoming an explorer: this world is your jungle so go explore! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a place you love so much that you decide to move. Imagine the positive repercussions a new environment could have on your life.
13. Get in the sun: Superman was completely re-energized when he flew out to space and soaked in some rays and you can do the same right outside your front door (if you live in a constantly dreary place, my apologies). The sun feels amazing: your entire body will be coursing with warmth and life.
14. Help others: I’ll just give you a plethora of reasons why this is a MUST
*Helping people has a ripple effect. If you help someone they will feel more obliged to help someone else, and so on. Pay it forward
*You grow by giving and helping others. It can change you in ways you never expected
*Your relationship with that person will become stronger
*It’s the most fulfilling thing you can do on this planet. It not only feels amazing physically, you also feel like a good person
*You might be able to call in a favor later when you need some help
*Karma (if you believe in it)
*Because there are more people in this world than just you.
15. Choose your friends wisely: You are affected far more than you think by the people you spend your time with. Do your friends share your values? Do they encourage you when you speak of your goals and dreams or do they scoff? Make sure the people around you are conducive to the lifestyle you want to lead or you will find yourself being dragged again and again into behavior that distances you from your desires. Friends with a habit of producing negative thoughts will especially hinder you. This can be a hard task to follow through with if you realize you good friend is one of these saboteurs, but you must be firm! Don’t let anyone get in the way of you being all that you can be.
2. Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions: Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.
3. Develop an endless curiosity about this world: Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. This world has so much to offer, so why not take advantage of it?
4. Remember people’s names: so that they feel appreciated and for your own future benefit when you want something from that person. To do this, say their name back to them when they introduce themselves. Then repeat the name in your head a number of times until you are sure you have it. Continue to use their name in conversation as much as possible to remove any chance of forgetting it. If you’re still having trouble, make up a rhyme about their name: “Dan the Man” or “Natalie flatters me.”
5. Get fit: It’s ridiculous to think that we have one body, one sole means of functioning, and people are too lazy to take care of themselves. Fit bodies lead to better health, confidence and more success with romantic endeavors. I’d say those are 3 very good reasons to get in shape.
6. Learn to focus only on the present: The past is unchangeable so it is futile to reflect on it unless you are making sure you do not repeat past mistakes. The future is but a result of your actions today. So learn from the past to do better in the present so that you can succeed in the future.
7. Even more specifically, live in THIS moment: Even 10 minutes ago is the past. If you live purely in this moment you will always be happy because there is nothing wrong in this split-second.
8. Smile more often: Whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happiness.
9. Drink water: Hydration is tremendously important for overall health. Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional content; it’s like pouring a punch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with life-replenishing water. It may taste plain at first if you’re coming off of a heavy soda-drinking streak, but you’ll soon find yourself addicted to it. 10 glasses per day is optimal, how many have you been getting lately?
10. Don’t take life so seriously: Learn to laugh at the little things and this whole “existence” thing will be a whole lot easier. Be amused by your mistakes and failures and be thankful that you learned your lesson and won’t mess up like that again. And most importantly do things that you enjoy! Life is not strictly business, it can be mixed with pleasure.
11. Think positive thoughts: When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop it immediately by any means necessary. Slap yourself in the face, yell something positive at the top of your lungs or jump up and down. Do whatever it takes to get back to a positive mindset as such is essential for continual happiness and success.
12. Travel: Anyone who has ever gone anywhere will tell you that traveling is one of the most exciting and life-changing activities that you can do. Observing a different culture will expand your mind while making you further appreciate the life you already live. This goes back to becoming an explorer: this world is your jungle so go explore! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a place you love so much that you decide to move. Imagine the positive repercussions a new environment could have on your life.
13. Get in the sun: Superman was completely re-energized when he flew out to space and soaked in some rays and you can do the same right outside your front door (if you live in a constantly dreary place, my apologies). The sun feels amazing: your entire body will be coursing with warmth and life.
14. Help others: I’ll just give you a plethora of reasons why this is a MUST
*Helping people has a ripple effect. If you help someone they will feel more obliged to help someone else, and so on. Pay it forward
*You grow by giving and helping others. It can change you in ways you never expected
*Your relationship with that person will become stronger
*It’s the most fulfilling thing you can do on this planet. It not only feels amazing physically, you also feel like a good person
*You might be able to call in a favor later when you need some help
*Karma (if you believe in it)
*Because there are more people in this world than just you.
15. Choose your friends wisely: You are affected far more than you think by the people you spend your time with. Do your friends share your values? Do they encourage you when you speak of your goals and dreams or do they scoff? Make sure the people around you are conducive to the lifestyle you want to lead or you will find yourself being dragged again and again into behavior that distances you from your desires. Friends with a habit of producing negative thoughts will especially hinder you. This can be a hard task to follow through with if you realize you good friend is one of these saboteurs, but you must be firm! Don’t let anyone get in the way of you being all that you can be.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I am almost done packing. Crazy right? Sure, I have 15/16 days until I leave but I am potentially packing away for a whole year. Deciding what to take is beyond difficult. I have a list. As you all know I live for lists! I might post it up. But then it might be too personal. lol. Anyway, I hope to see you soon before I leave! Love you all.
- Mia
- Mia
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Before you can grow up, you must fall in love 3 times.
Once you must fall in love with your best friend, ruining your friendship forever. This will teach you who your true friends are, and the fine line between friendship and more. Once you must fall in love with someone you believe to be perfect. You will learn that no one is perfect, and that you should never be treated as any less than you deserve.
And once you must fall in love with someone that is exactly like you. This will teach you about who you are, and who you want to be.
And when you’re through with all that, you learn that the people who care about you the most are the ones that you hurt, and the ones that hurt you are the ones that you needed the most.
But most of all, you learn that love is only a concept and is not something that can be defined, it is different to each person that experiences it. And you will learn to respect each and every person on this earth, knowing that everyone only wants to be loved.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Mexican Lasagna
Not having to go to school or work gives me plenty of free time for two of my favorite things -cooking and baking. This week I decided to try out Rachel Ray's Mexican Lasagna. I got the recipe here It was pretty easy to make and very delicious. I did substitute some ingredients but it was all for the best. I did not have beans so I added rice instead and I used grilled chicken instead of ground chicken. You should try this recipe because its delicious! The only thing I would change is that I went a tad overboard with the cheese on top. Oh well, I will perfect my recipe next time!
The Ingredients (not shown: rice and chicken)
Finished product
My serving :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
5,800: square footage of the Sistine Chapel ceiling (yes, he painted every last inch)
4: years it took Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel, beginning in 1508
12: years it took to restore Michelangelo's painting of the Sistine Chapel, beginning in 1980.
4: years it took Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel, beginning in 1508
12: years it took to restore Michelangelo's painting of the Sistine Chapel, beginning in 1980.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Little-Known Facts About Well-Known Places: Italy
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Eighteen
Talk to lots of people in college and early on in your career. Bosses. Colleagues. Professors. Classmates. Social club members. Other students outside of your major or social circle. Teaching assistants. Career advisors. College deans. Friends of friends. Everyone! Why? Professional networking. I have worked for three employers since I graduated from college (I left my first two employers by choice on good terms), but I only interviewed with the first employer. The other two employers offered me a job before I even had a formal interview, based strictly on the recommendation of a hiring manager (someone I had networked with over the years). When employers look to fill a position, the first thing they do is ask the people they know and trust if they know someone who would do well in the position. If you start building your professional network early, you’ll be set. Over time, you’ll continue talking to new people you meet through your current network and your network’s reach and the associated opportunities will continue to snowball for the duration of your career.
Sit alone in silence for at least ten minutes every day. Use this time to think, plan, reflect, and dream. Creative and productive thinking flourish in solitude and silence. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, and you can focus on mapping out the next logical, productive step in your life.
Ask a lot of questions. The greatest adventure is the ability to inquire, to ask questions. Sometimes in the process of inquiry, the search is more significant than the answers. Answers come from other people, from the universe of knowledge and history, and from the intuition and deep wisdom inside yourself. These answers will never surface if you never ask the right questions. Thus, the simple act of asking the right questions is the answer.
Exploit the resources you do have access to. The average person is usually astonished when they see a physically handicap person show intense signs of emotional happiness. How could someone in such a restricted physical state be so happy? The answer rests in how they use the resources they do have. Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has twenty-five Grammy Awards to prove it.
Live below your means. Live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one. Do not spend to impress others. Do not live life trying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you. Always live well below your means.
Be respectful of others and make them feel good. In life and business, it’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel. So respect your elders, minors, and everyone in between. There are no boundaries or classes that define a group of people that deserve to be respected. Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother. Supporting, guiding, and making contributions to other people is one of life’s greatest rewards. In order to get, you have to give.
Excel at what you do. There’s no point in doing something if you aren’t going to do it right. Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies. Develop a reputation for yourself, a reputation for consistent excellence.
Be who you were born to be. You must follow your heart, and be who you were born to be. Some of us were born to be musicians—to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feelings with the strings of a guitar. Some of us were born to be poets—to touch people’s hearts with exquisite prose. Some of us were born to be—to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. And still, some of us were born to be or do whatever it is, specifically, that moves you. Regardless of what you decide to do in your lifetime, you better feel it in every fiber of your being. You better be born to do it! Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires.
But above all, laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Life is short, yet amazing. Enjoy the ride.
Sit alone in silence for at least ten minutes every day. Use this time to think, plan, reflect, and dream. Creative and productive thinking flourish in solitude and silence. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, and you can focus on mapping out the next logical, productive step in your life.
Ask a lot of questions. The greatest adventure is the ability to inquire, to ask questions. Sometimes in the process of inquiry, the search is more significant than the answers. Answers come from other people, from the universe of knowledge and history, and from the intuition and deep wisdom inside yourself. These answers will never surface if you never ask the right questions. Thus, the simple act of asking the right questions is the answer.
Exploit the resources you do have access to. The average person is usually astonished when they see a physically handicap person show intense signs of emotional happiness. How could someone in such a restricted physical state be so happy? The answer rests in how they use the resources they do have. Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has twenty-five Grammy Awards to prove it.
Live below your means. Live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one. Do not spend to impress others. Do not live life trying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you. Always live well below your means.
Be respectful of others and make them feel good. In life and business, it’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel. So respect your elders, minors, and everyone in between. There are no boundaries or classes that define a group of people that deserve to be respected. Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother. Supporting, guiding, and making contributions to other people is one of life’s greatest rewards. In order to get, you have to give.
Excel at what you do. There’s no point in doing something if you aren’t going to do it right. Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies. Develop a reputation for yourself, a reputation for consistent excellence.
Be who you were born to be. You must follow your heart, and be who you were born to be. Some of us were born to be musicians—to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feelings with the strings of a guitar. Some of us were born to be poets—to touch people’s hearts with exquisite prose. Some of us were born to be—to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. And still, some of us were born to be or do whatever it is, specifically, that moves you. Regardless of what you decide to do in your lifetime, you better feel it in every fiber of your being. You better be born to do it! Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires.
But above all, laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Life is short, yet amazing. Enjoy the ride.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Family trip to the lake.
Hello!! This past weekend was Labor Day Weekend. I did not care too much for the holiday as I didn't have plans but on Sunday my family spontaneously decided to spend a day at the lake we like to go to by St. Helena. We had a picnic that consisted of ceviche, beer, chips and salsa. I rarely spend time in nature because I am a bit of a home body but I jump at the chance at spending time outside with family. This trip was a nice getaway from what has become my routine- sleep, watch tv, eat, workout, sleep- I definitely needed this. Here are some pics and a video. Enjoy!
Seeing as I don't fish this is what I took to keep me busy at the lake. To be honest I spent most of the time walking with Brownie and dipping my feet in the water.
There were many ducks hanging out at the lake. Sadly, this was the best picture I got of the ducks.
This was my view while on my blanket listening to music. It was very peaceful.
So hope you got an idea of how I spent my Labor Day Weekend. I would love to know what you did. Wishing you happiness and health. - Mia Saturday, September 3, 2011
The Koran
Friday, September 2, 2011
When Ferruccio Lamborghini, a tractor manufacturer, complained about the faculty clutch in his Ferrari 250 GTO, Enzo Ferrari refused to do anything about it. So Lamborghini took it upon himself to dismantel the GTO clutch and discovered that it was made by the same firm that supplied the heavy-duty clutches for his tractors. A simple swap of the two clutches followed, and the problem was solved. Sort of. Determined to teach Ferrari a lesson, Lamborghini started his own car company.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Remember 30 Day Shred?
I did a post a while back saying that I was starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Sadly, that had to stop because I could not do jumping jacks or anything that had me jumping because the manager of my apartment complex lived in the apartment below mine. Her room was directly beneath mine and she would not be too happy with the noise.
Well, now that I am not in school or working I have time so I started doing the work out again. This was my first week and after many days on the couch watching tv or the 3 days I was in bed sick it has definitely kicked my butt! But I am looking forward to it. Working out always makes me feel good. :) I think that happens to everyone right? Endorphins.
I also started taking a kickboxing class. Can you tell I am trying to desperately get into shape for Italy? Oh yes, I will try my best. Anyways ttyl loved ones!
♥ Mia
Well, now that I am not in school or working I have time so I started doing the work out again. This was my first week and after many days on the couch watching tv or the 3 days I was in bed sick it has definitely kicked my butt! But I am looking forward to it. Working out always makes me feel good. :) I think that happens to everyone right? Endorphins.
I also started taking a kickboxing class. Can you tell I am trying to desperately get into shape for Italy? Oh yes, I will try my best. Anyways ttyl loved ones!
♥ Mia
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Cappuccino is so named because its color resembles that of the long, hooded robes worn by the monks of the Capuchin order- and that fact that a properly prepared cappuccino leaves a brown ring along the rim of the cup that looks a lot like a monk's cowl.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Being Sick
I've been sick for the past three days. I have been suffering from Flu like syptoms that have made me stay in bed all day. :(
Luckily, my mother has kept me company by playing Quiddler with me. Gosh, I love that game!! Sure it's not Scrabble but you also dont have to worry about losing all the little squares. :)

The ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz were Ferragamo pumps.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
61 Pounds: amount of pasta that the average person in Italy eats per year
92 Pounds: amount of pasta that the average Sicilian eats per year
600: number of shapes of pasta
6.5 Billion: gallons of water (enough to fill 250,000 Olympic-size swimming pools) needed to boil all the pasta consumed in Italy each year
Saturday, August 27, 2011
The top place in Italy for having your pocket picked is in the No.64 bus in Rome; its route runs between the Stazione Termini and St. Peter's Square (passing all of the "must see" historic sights). Thieves know that it is routinely packed with tourists. The easiest way not to look like a tourist? Local police suggest wearing a pair of oversized sunglasses.
Little-Known Facts About Well-Known Places: Italy
Little-Known Facts About Well-Known Places: Italy
Going Away
Meg & Dia
"Going Away"
Please don't forget me, I'm going away.
I'm taking a taxi to Kentucky, where they don't even know
all about me; I just need to feel safe.
I've got a thousand sweaters, and shoes, and paintings to hide;
the skeletons in my way, (don't ask where) I'm going
I'm going away, I'm going my way.
Finally, it's my time, to be lonely enough. Unloved and I can't wait.
Dont forget what I said; don't forget my letter.
every night I pray for you.
I don't got a religion. Isnt that something? I miss those days.
I see that bottle; it's now ten years aged.
I've got the marbles I could sell for money;
got a pair of fresh shaved legs.
Wont you baby come with me?
I've got a extra space
in my car, in my heart, in my mind
Look there's the passenger seat by the boat that you gave
Don't know where I'm going...
Well he said, slow down; slow down;
Think it over; weve all got wretched closets.
A silly girl pride kills more than aids
lately I say come on, I've thought it over,
I don't wanna die here; I've no desire to get married.
I can't read the others anymore.
Alone; I must learn to race myself
I, I'm not going halfway
I'll find my way
I, I, Every night I pray for you,
Don't believe in Heaven or that it could be a happy place
I, I'm going away
Friday, August 26, 2011
Roman Holiday

Roman Holiday was the first American film to be made in its entirety in Rome. Paramount had frozen assets in Italy and the studio green-lighted the project specifically because filming there would allow those monies to be used.
Little-Known Facts About Well-Known Places: Italy
Thursday, August 25, 2011
It was a family in Calabria- and their idea to cultivate broccoli- that financed James Bond films. Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli, who bought the initial rights to the Ian Flemming novels. and produced every 007 flick from Dr. No to Golden Eye, was an heir to the clan who had made a fortune when they crossed cauliflower and rabe and created new vegetable they named for themselves.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The term "paparazzi" comes from Fellini's La Dolce Vita, in the film, Marcello Mastroianni writes a gossip column and Walter Stantesso plays his co-worker, a tabloid photographer whose name is Paparazzo.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Trevi Fountain
It was only recently that the city of Rome began to collect the money tossed into the Trevi Fountain on a daily basis - and only after it was learned that a homeless man was regularly stealing the stash from the water using a magnetized pole. All Italian coins and euros end up in the coffers of the town council (most recently, they were used to subsidize a food bank); foreign currency is donated to the Red Cross.
See, friendship is the booze they feed you. They want you to get drunk on feeling like you belong.
Why did I wait so long to watch Almost Famous? It is absolutely lovely of course. Love Kate Hudson as Penny Lane. It is awesome because this is the first time I knew almost every single song featured in the film. The film has a fabulous music selection and I would definitely watch it again just to listen to the songs.
Here is a list of all the songs featured in Almost Famous:
1. America - Simon and Garfunkel 2. Sparks - The Who 3. It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference - Todd Rundgren 4. I've Seen All Good People: Your Move - Yes 5. Feel Flows - The Beach Boys 6. Fever Dog - Stillwater 7. Every Picture Tells A Story - Rod Stewart 8. Mr. Farmer - The Seeds 9. One Way Out - The Allman Borthers Band 10. Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd 11. That's The Way - Led Zeppelin 12. Tiny Dancer - Elton John 13. Lucky Trumble - Nancy Wilson 14. I'm Waiting For The Man - David Bowie 15. The Wind - Cat Stevens 16. Slip Away - Clarence Carter 17. Something In The Air - Thunderclap Newman 18. Teacher - Jethro Tull 19. Mona Lisa's and Mad Hatters - Elton John 20. Tangerine - Led Zeppelin 21. Search and Destroy - Iggy Pop 22. Sweet Leaf - Black Sabbath 23. Go All the Way - Eric Carmen & The Raspberries 24. Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin 25. The Chipmunk Song - The Chipmunks 26. Roundabout - Yes 27. Bron-yr-aur - Led Zeppelin 28. Small Time Blues - Pete Droge 29. Hour of Need - Stillwater 30. Paranoid - Black Sabbath 31. The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin 32. Everbody knows this is nowhere - Neil Young 33. Future Games - Fleetwood Mac 34. Albert Flasher - Guess Who 35. Love Thing - Stillwater 36. Burn - Deep Purple 37. You had to be there - Stillwater 38. Reeling in the Years - Steely Dan 39. Dear Jill - Bloodwyn Pig 40. Love comes and goes - Stillwater 41. Voodoo Child - Jimi Hendrix 42. Slip away - Clarance Carter 43. Wishing well - Free 44. My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder 45. Looking at you - MCS 46. Cortez the Killer - Neil Young 47. The Oogum Boogum Song - Brenton Wood 48. River - Joni Mitchell 49. Easy to slip - Little Feat 50. Peggy Sue 51. Cover of the Rolling Stone 52. Colour my World
"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously, if ya never take it seriosuly, ya never get hurt, ya never get hurt, ya always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends"
Here is a list of all the songs featured in Almost Famous:
1. America - Simon and Garfunkel 2. Sparks - The Who 3. It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference - Todd Rundgren 4. I've Seen All Good People: Your Move - Yes 5. Feel Flows - The Beach Boys 6. Fever Dog - Stillwater 7. Every Picture Tells A Story - Rod Stewart 8. Mr. Farmer - The Seeds 9. One Way Out - The Allman Borthers Band 10. Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd 11. That's The Way - Led Zeppelin 12. Tiny Dancer - Elton John 13. Lucky Trumble - Nancy Wilson 14. I'm Waiting For The Man - David Bowie 15. The Wind - Cat Stevens 16. Slip Away - Clarence Carter 17. Something In The Air - Thunderclap Newman 18. Teacher - Jethro Tull 19. Mona Lisa's and Mad Hatters - Elton John 20. Tangerine - Led Zeppelin 21. Search and Destroy - Iggy Pop 22. Sweet Leaf - Black Sabbath 23. Go All the Way - Eric Carmen & The Raspberries 24. Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin 25. The Chipmunk Song - The Chipmunks 26. Roundabout - Yes 27. Bron-yr-aur - Led Zeppelin 28. Small Time Blues - Pete Droge 29. Hour of Need - Stillwater 30. Paranoid - Black Sabbath 31. The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin 32. Everbody knows this is nowhere - Neil Young 33. Future Games - Fleetwood Mac 34. Albert Flasher - Guess Who 35. Love Thing - Stillwater 36. Burn - Deep Purple 37. You had to be there - Stillwater 38. Reeling in the Years - Steely Dan 39. Dear Jill - Bloodwyn Pig 40. Love comes and goes - Stillwater 41. Voodoo Child - Jimi Hendrix 42. Slip away - Clarance Carter 43. Wishing well - Free 44. My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder 45. Looking at you - MCS 46. Cortez the Killer - Neil Young 47. The Oogum Boogum Song - Brenton Wood 48. River - Joni Mitchell 49. Easy to slip - Little Feat 50. Peggy Sue 51. Cover of the Rolling Stone 52. Colour my World
"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously, if ya never take it seriosuly, ya never get hurt, ya never get hurt, ya always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends"
Penny Lane
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Pieta
The Pieta (found in St. Peter's Basilica) is the only work by Michelangelo that the artist ever signed. Having overheard someone attribute the piece to another sculptor, he supposedly snuck into the chapel at night and carved his name in the band running diagonally across Mary's chest to eliminate any question.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
The abbreviation for pound is "lb" because in ancient Rome, the value of a sack of coins was determined by weight, weight was measured in libras, and the libra, in records kept in Latin, was written as "lb".
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
From the late 1920s to the late 1930s, the Italian government, in an attempt to encourage population growth (and to force single men to wed as soon as possible), levied what was known as the Bachelor's Tax, forcing unmarried adult males to pay up to doubld their normal income tax, plus a fee of 155 lira.
"Wake Up Alone" is my favorite Amy Winehouse song. Just thought I would share. - Although "You Know I'm No Good" is my message to the world "Wake Up Alone" is more personal. Still, I will never forget the first time I saw the video for "You Know I'm No Good" on VH1. From then on I was hooked on Amy Winehouse and became one of her biggest fans. I Still Miss You.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A series of 265 circular mosaic portraits that depict every pope since St. Peter are mounted in a continuous line on the frieze that runs above the columns and below the nave windows of the Basilica di San Paolo in Rome. Only the image of the current pope is illuminated, but visible just beyond that are a handful of vacant spots. The story goes that once they, too, have been filled, the world will come to an end.
Currently Reading

I saw you the other day and I thought...
You asked me why I never text you anymore. I simply said I moved on. The way you looked at me really made me believe you have missed me. I wish I could say the same. Still, this song will always be our song.
You asked me why I never text you anymore. I simply said I moved on. The way you looked at me really made me believe you have missed me. I wish I could say the same. Still, this song will always be our song.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Pope III
"As soon as a new pope is elected, the requisite vestments must be immediately available to him, so that he can quickly put them on and step out onto the balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square. However, since no one knows in advance who the new pope is-and, hence, what size he is-eccelestical tailors must make and supply the Vatican with three complete sets of vestments-one small, one medium, and one large-to assure that they have one on hand that will fit."
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Vatican II
Vatican City has its own citizenship, issues its own currency and postage stamps, and has its own flag and a large diplomatic corps.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Vatican
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Pope II
"Pope Benedict XVI definitely has an eye for fashion; he has been spotted sporting Santos reading glasses from Cartier (when he isnt wearing sunglasses from Gucci or Serengeti) and listening to his papal white, custom-engraved ('To His Holiness...') Apple iPod while rocking brown Geox walking shoes. All this brand association makes marketers very happy, given the pontiff's millions of devoted followers."
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"During the period from December 27 to December 31, store windows throughout Rome are filled with red boxer shorts, red underpants, and red lingerie. According to tradition, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve and throwing it out the next day will insure good luck in the coming year."
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
"Modern-day pizza was invented when Don Raffaele Esposito, a Naples restaurant owner, layered a traditional flatbread with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil - ingredients he chose because they were red, white, and green, the colors of the Italian flag."
Monday, August 8, 2011
Little-Known Facts About Italy

Fact Number One:
It fluctuates, but the Tower of Pisa currently leans almost 13 feet to the south.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
It's Official.
It has been official for about a week but I would like to announce that I have officially graduated from the University of California, Davis. It feels great. I am happy that I made it but now the world seems pretty big and I feel pretty small.
As you all know, I will be going to Italy in October. There is still a lot of planning left to do but I am still going to be around for 2 months. I ONLY HAVE TWO MONTHS!!! You better hang out with me now or else you won't see me in a while.
As for the blog, even though MIA is no longer IN UCD, I will still post random stuff on here because I have so much free time and I must do something. Be prepared for book reviews, pictures - because i finally found my camera!!- and well, we will see what else.
I have much to write about my final quarter in Davis. Hopefully I get to share it all with you. Love you guys!- Mia
This is me with my celebratory bottle of sparkling wine. :)
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