Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have so much to write about but i will get to it later i guess.

Right now I just want to vent my frustrations.

Last night i left my purse in someone's car, something my mother has told me not to do time and time again. Consequently, my purse got stolen!!! :(

In my purse was my checkbook (which i never carry), my IPOD (which I use every single day!), my notes for ALL my classes (also something i dont usually carry) and my CAR KEYS!!! I am sooo bummed. Because i am a little hungover and in shock still if you were to see me right now you wouldn't think i am angry BUT I AM. I just want to punch whomever stole my purse and tell them off.

I had a midterm today as well. Because it was my friend's 21st birthday last night the plan was to go out and I was going to wake up early to study. BUT NOPE. I didnt have my notes and I will be honest, I will be lucky if I get a C on that midterm. I think that is what pissed me off. That someone would take my notes like that. It is so unfair.

I can buy another IPOD, I will eventually get my spare key (when my parents, bless their hearts, bring them to me) and I called the bank to cancel my checks but MY NOTES??? All that time I spent in class writing that shit down. Why did they have to take that? its not worth anything. :( Not cool.

FU people who took my stuff and Jacob's stereo...yeah they took my friend's stereo are not cool. Not gonna wish bad stuff to happen to you cuz my momma taught me better than that but I hope you eventually learn that stealing is not cool. NOPE.

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