Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I am going to see the Band of Horses at UCD!! I am super excited mainly because this happened a bit out of nowhere. My friend had an extra ticket so why not? Here is one of their songs that I loooooove. Enjoy. =]
Haven't Done One Of These In A Long Time...
Never in my life have I been: to France or Japan but I would like to change that soon.
High school: was great. I have many memories but most of them are of when I skipped class with my friends. :)
When I'm nervous: sing...laugh...start talking to myself.
If I were to get married right now my maid of honour would be: my sister.
My hair is: dark brown, kind of long, and of course curly.
When I was 5: I used to be the center of attention and was always around my grandparents who are no longer with me.
Last Christmas: was simple. I was with my mom. I am pretty sure I went shopping that day.
I should be: a better planner.
The happiest recent event was: My gospel performance. I was happy because I love performing and we brought it that night. We had people standing up, dancing and singing along.
I like you when you: read my blog. lol.
The world could do without: animal cruelty and peadophiles.
Most recent thing I've bought myself: 3 dresses, 3 cardigans, a book, nail polish and sunglasses.
My middle name is: Elena
Once, at a bar: there are too many bar stories to get
Last night I was: at the Grad for the Lambda/XPO party with the roomies dancing the night away. :)
Tomorrow I am: going to work, then a social and then going home.
Tonight I am: going to the Band of Horses concert!!
My birthday is: August 9th
High school: was great. I have many memories but most of them are of when I skipped class with my friends. :)
When I'm nervous: sing...laugh...start talking to myself.
If I were to get married right now my maid of honour would be: my sister.
My hair is: dark brown, kind of long, and of course curly.
When I was 5: I used to be the center of attention and was always around my grandparents who are no longer with me.
Last Christmas: was simple. I was with my mom. I am pretty sure I went shopping that day.
I should be: a better planner.
The happiest recent event was: My gospel performance. I was happy because I love performing and we brought it that night. We had people standing up, dancing and singing along.
I like you when you: read my blog. lol.
The world could do without: animal cruelty and peadophiles.
Most recent thing I've bought myself: 3 dresses, 3 cardigans, a book, nail polish and sunglasses.
My middle name is: Elena
Once, at a bar: there are too many bar stories to get
Last night I was: at the Grad for the Lambda/XPO party with the roomies dancing the night away. :)
Tomorrow I am: going to work, then a social and then going home.
Tonight I am: going to the Band of Horses concert!!
My birthday is: August 9th
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
UCD Gospel Choir

Singing is my passion. I will seriously join anything as long as I can sing but GOSPEL lets me praise my Lord every single time I sing and I love that feeling. God is good.
Here are some lyrics to inspire you:
Total Praise
Lord, I will lift, mine eyes to the hills
Knowing my help is coming from You
Your peace, You give me in time of the storm
You are the source of my strength
You are the strength of my life
I lift my hands in total praise to You
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Juno Love :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
What If
I don't want to be one of those people...i hope to live my life without always asking what if. I mean sure it could be fun to think of how your life would be like if you had done something differently but it could easily turn into something depressing. You could waste your time living in a what if state of mind.
I love my life and rather not spend too much time on the what ifs. I've been given an amazing life and I don't want to forget that by pondering in to the what ifs. BUT I am only human so i ask those questions from time to time...
"What if I had applied to Berkeley and gotten in?"
"What if I had gone with my mom to Texas that summer she desperately needed me to?"
"What if I hadn't ignored him that night?"
"What if I would have had a happier childhood, would I have been a better/worse person?"
I love my life and rather not spend too much time on the what ifs. I've been given an amazing life and I don't want to forget that by pondering in to the what ifs. BUT I am only human so i ask those questions from time to time...
"What if I had applied to Berkeley and gotten in?"
"What if I had gone with my mom to Texas that summer she desperately needed me to?"
"What if I hadn't ignored him that night?"
"What if I would have had a happier childhood, would I have been a better/worse person?"
Love, Mia
Listening to: Ridin' Solo by Jason Derulo
This was something special; this was just like dynamite
OMG by: USHER He is Uh-mazing and I totally saw him at Wild Jam and he brung it like no other. He is still hot, still fly and still making the ladies go crazy. I def got this song on replay.
It's Never Too Late...
I watched Letters to Juliet last night with my mom and that was the message, it is never too late. I hope so.
More importantly it reminded me of a conversation I had with my brother. He was worried that after all these years of not really knowing each other it was too late to start and I told him that it will never be too late and I honestly believe that. He is family and family is the most important thing to me.
I try living with an open heart and I accept anyone that comes my way. I am an optimist and look for the good in all...a bit like Ms. Frank.
Anyway, I've always felt that something was suppose to happen with a specific person (whose identity i will not reveal) lol...but knew it was never the right time...i am left to wonder, will there ever be a right time? This saying gives me a YES and I gladly accept it. One day it will be the right time.
More importantly it reminded me of a conversation I had with my brother. He was worried that after all these years of not really knowing each other it was too late to start and I told him that it will never be too late and I honestly believe that. He is family and family is the most important thing to me.
I try living with an open heart and I accept anyone that comes my way. I am an optimist and look for the good in all...a bit like Ms. Frank.
Anyway, I've always felt that something was suppose to happen with a specific person (whose identity i will not reveal) lol...but knew it was never the right time...i am left to wonder, will there ever be a right time? This saying gives me a YES and I gladly accept it. One day it will be the right time.
Love, Mia
Listening to: Find Your Love by Drake.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I have so much to write about but i will get to it later i guess.
Right now I just want to vent my frustrations.
Last night i left my purse in someone's car, something my mother has told me not to do time and time again. Consequently, my purse got stolen!!! :(
In my purse was my checkbook (which i never carry), my IPOD (which I use every single day!), my notes for ALL my classes (also something i dont usually carry) and my CAR KEYS!!! I am sooo bummed. Because i am a little hungover and in shock still if you were to see me right now you wouldn't think i am angry BUT I AM. I just want to punch whomever stole my purse and tell them off.
I had a midterm today as well. Because it was my friend's 21st birthday last night the plan was to go out and I was going to wake up early to study. BUT NOPE. I didnt have my notes and I will be honest, I will be lucky if I get a C on that midterm. I think that is what pissed me off. That someone would take my notes like that. It is so unfair.
I can buy another IPOD, I will eventually get my spare key (when my parents, bless their hearts, bring them to me) and I called the bank to cancel my checks but MY NOTES??? All that time I spent in class writing that shit down. Why did they have to take that? its not worth anything. :( Not cool.
FU people who took my stuff and Jacob's stereo...yeah they took my friend's stereo are not cool. Not gonna wish bad stuff to happen to you cuz my momma taught me better than that but I hope you eventually learn that stealing is not cool. NOPE.
Right now I just want to vent my frustrations.
Last night i left my purse in someone's car, something my mother has told me not to do time and time again. Consequently, my purse got stolen!!! :(
In my purse was my checkbook (which i never carry), my IPOD (which I use every single day!), my notes for ALL my classes (also something i dont usually carry) and my CAR KEYS!!! I am sooo bummed. Because i am a little hungover and in shock still if you were to see me right now you wouldn't think i am angry BUT I AM. I just want to punch whomever stole my purse and tell them off.
I had a midterm today as well. Because it was my friend's 21st birthday last night the plan was to go out and I was going to wake up early to study. BUT NOPE. I didnt have my notes and I will be honest, I will be lucky if I get a C on that midterm. I think that is what pissed me off. That someone would take my notes like that. It is so unfair.
I can buy another IPOD, I will eventually get my spare key (when my parents, bless their hearts, bring them to me) and I called the bank to cancel my checks but MY NOTES??? All that time I spent in class writing that shit down. Why did they have to take that? its not worth anything. :( Not cool.
FU people who took my stuff and Jacob's stereo...yeah they took my friend's stereo are not cool. Not gonna wish bad stuff to happen to you cuz my momma taught me better than that but I hope you eventually learn that stealing is not cool. NOPE.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Dear Fuzios,
Thanks for reminding me that I shouldn’t trust everyone. Also, thank you for reinforcing my belief that it is important to speak my mind. I wasn’t planning on coming back. If I hadn’t called back you would have ripped me off at least $6.00. More importantly, I was able to use this lesson and finally tell my roommates how I felt about the room situation. Because of this I am now saving $20.00 a month on rent. Lesson learned.
Love, Mia
Love, Mia
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I'm dancing alot and I'm taking shots I'm feeling fine, I'm kissing all the boys and the girls, Someone call the doctor cause I lost my mind
By the one and only, my inspiration, my muse, the kind of women I would love to be, never afraid of what others might think and expresses herself without hesitation, the beautiful and talented CHRISTINA AGUILERA.
Video is a Diirrrrrty. But I love it. Compare her to Lady Gaga all you want but she's been around way longer and always comes out with something new. Been a fan since Genie in a Bottle LOVED Stripped. Girl can sing, no denying that. Enjoy.
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