Last week was my Spring Break. I was determined to make this Spring Break a good one and I most certainly did. :)
On Saturday I went wine tasting with my roommate Tiffany, her friends Celine and Susan, Jeanette, Adrian and Liz.

First we went to Nayeli's work Domain Chandon. The landscape was so beautiful and the wine was sooo good. Loved it. From there we went to Marie Calendar's for lunch.

We also went to Mumm for the first time. It is like my fav now. It was sooo good! Brut Prestige baby. I'm addicted.

My Friend Frankie came on Sunday so AD and I went to visit him at his house. It was nice just catching up. On Monday I got my hair cut and I had a movie night at my house. We watched 2012 DO NOT WATCH THAT MOVIE. It pretty much sucked. lol. On Tuesday I went to the Sun Valley Mall with my roomie Krista for some much needed shopping. I didn't find much but I had fun just hanging out. After I went to Sushi Yu with Liz and AD for some all-you-can-eat sushi. BLISS.

On Wednesday I went Thrift/Antique shopping around Napa (mostly downtown) with my friend Adrian. It was fun, I ate some chocolate it was all good. This is a pic of downtown. Sorry it isn't such a great pic but I always forget to take pics and this was towards the end. Thursday was just a simple day. I dyed my hair black and hang out with my brother and watched tv.

I ended up walking to Frankie's house because I drank and couldn't drive. As he skipped his way home AD stole a Mad Gab game from some person's driveway. Frankie then had his friend Vanessa pic us up and we went to Denny's where I saw Lizbeth's cousin Aleyda, her mom and her gf...but I was too gone to really know what was going on. Oh dear.
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