Friday, July 30, 2010
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love.
1. Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars
2. Weak - SWV
3. Un-thinkable - Alicia Keys
4. Listen 2 Ur Heart - Jon Young
5. First Love - Goapele
6. Try Again - Aaliyah
7. Magic - B.O.B.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
"A store can awaken a lust for things you never knew you needed"

I watched my fav movie Confessions of a Shopahoplic. Although, i toned it down substantially over the past year, I did have a problem with shopping excessively in the past. I just love the feeling of going into a store and looking around, finding things, trying them on, picturing them in my room, using whatever I bought with friends, wearing that new dress to a party -with the new shoes and bag. :) The sales people are always friendly and there are so many options, different sizes, colors, price ranges. :)

Lovely Day with AD.

Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
“There can be no disparity in marriage like unsuitability of mind and purpose.”
- Charles Dickens (David Copperfield)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 6: It's time to... Day 7: How you are feeling today?
Day 8: Inside joke.
Love. Love. Love and a World Cup. :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
La borsa come oggetto di culto per una donna
One of the blogs I follow -A Bit of Fashion posted this lovely video featuring my favorite accessory AND it's in Italian. What a perfect way to practice my Italian! This made my day and I hope it makes yours.
Check out A Bit of Fashion here.

These pictures are from the July issue of W Magazine. Eva is photographed by Mert Alas &Marcus Piggott; Styled by Alex White.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Just A Thought...
Why did I become an English major? When I was in high school I used to make fun of people like me. I didn't read any of the books they assigned us back then. How I passed? I have no idea. And now look at me. Spending most of my time reading. Shiiiit. I don't leave the house without a book, EVER, or a magazine. My mom makes fun of me. I can't own a cute small purse cuz my book won't fit. Oh dear. I swear, if you would have told me in high school that I would be reading Shakespeare for fun in I would have laughed in your face. I especially made fun on the Brit Lit kids with their Darcy pins they would wear around school and now I have read Pride an Prejudice, oh i dunno, like 5 times. British Literature is like my favorite subject now!! haha oh dear. Who am i now?
Even when I first arrived to Davis I looked around at the people in my classes and was like "uuuummm yeah I don't have anything in common with these people". Now the more English classes I take the less true that statement is. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
Did you see me becoming an English major?? Why? I mean I know that I love to write and that growing up I used to write stories for you guys or poems and what not but I never thought I would be like this.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
You looked ok with the others, You looked great on your own
Day 1: A little about myself.

Day 2: Best part of my day.
Day 3: Someone I ♥.
New Challenge: Journal
The challenge is called the 30 Day Challenge I got it from this website!
Here are the guidlines from Janel:
* I will post the prompt and my journal page each morning (before 10:00 am cst)
* I will be posting all of these here, on my blog for everyone to see :)
* My pages are going to strictly be pen and paper but I want you to feel creatively free to add in whatever you want :)
* I have created a Flickr Group where we can all share our pages right here. Join it now!
* I also would love for you to post your pages on your blog as well with a link in the comments so that we can check them out as soon as they are posted!!
* Some people asked about supplies and prefrences. Here are my personal picks:
My very favorite pen, that I have used in my journals, since college, are the Papermate flair felt tip pens.
This will be my journal. It is pink and Hello Kitty. :)

One more thing, for those who are well aquainted with me you know I CANNOT DRAW. So please be patient with me and forgive me at the attempts I might make of drawing. Thank you.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
It’s because some of the most powerful brain circuits for pleasure are triggered. The main chemical involved is dopamine, which produces feelings of euphoria, energy, sleeplessness, & focused attention on your “main squeeze.”
While embarrassing, these gaffes are actually a good sign. Rutgers University researchers found that when you have a serious chemistry with your date, your body produces elevated levels of a substance that can make you jittery, uncoordinated, & a little accident prone.
Personally, it affected me slightly differently. It was my first date with a girl named “Heidi.” Twice, I called her “Debbie.” (names changed to protect the innocent). That was our only date. LOL
I didn't really talk to him after that because I was a bit embarrassed. Haha.